Friday, March 17, 2006

This is getting old. Another night of lying on my back in the dark , listening to my hamster run.
I haven't touched coffee since yesterday afternoon, but now, even in the morning, my heart is racing. I slept for only two hours, but I am wide awake. Good for getting to class on time. Bad for writing three papers this weekend. Its possible this could be the aspirin i took last night as a desperate bid the clear the nagging ache that presides over all attempts at rational thought, or more likely, just the stress. If the drugs are keeping me up, its all they're doing. The headache remains untouched.

My two hours of actual sleep this morning were cut short by my alarm, which was telling to me to get up for prayer, something we've been trying to do in again in the mornings, and something that frequently puts me in a better state of mind. I hop out of bed, figuring I can join the others, pray for ten minutes, and hop back in bed for another hour and a half before i have to go to class. But...nobody else shows. Which is fair, because I missed the last one, as we moved the time up and i forgot to change my alarm. Not like i need them to pray, anyway. But i am now wide awake again. I try to go back to sleep, but it isn't long before I realize that just isn't happening.

Sigh. Sometimes I don't know about this.

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