Friday, March 24, 2006

Hmm. I'm getting exceedingly bored of this....


Lightfoot said...

Bored of normalcy already? Well, welcome back to the club of the insane. As president, I decree that we can rid you of your normalcy post-haste?

Lightfoot said...

Weird place for a question mark eh? Entirely unintentional. I'm Ron Burgundy?

Jen said...

what's this about heading into Judaism?? and is there some girl in your life that I don't know about? I'm so out of the loop!!

Nietzsche's Girl said...

Why don't you ever want to play?
I'm tired of this piece of string.
You sleep as much as I do now
and you,
don't eat much of anything.
I don't know who you're talking to
I made a search through every room
but all I found was dust that moves
and shadows of the afternoon
And listen
about those bitter songs you sing
they're not helping anything
they wont make you strong.