Saturday, November 26, 2005

It interesting to me how slight a shift it can take to move from dully exisiting to happy to be alive- just a little check in the mind, a pause, then a reorientation. Moving to where each stillness, each sensation becomes precious, valuable, to be drunk in, savoured- this is life, happening before my eyes- each moment is new, full- it will not happen again- as mundane as sitting in the cafe waiting to close might seem, this is unique life, never to be repeated. True, a similar situation will occur next week, but it will still be something new- a new entry into experience, into memory. The company, again, of a good friend ( albeit a preoccupied one) with whom one has enough understanding as to render small talk and idle chatter unecessary, i am enjoying, just as it is- there are no demands, expectations, dissatisfactions burdening our time together- it is just good human company, the often underated pleasure of being accepted, of simply being liked.
Just appreciating the ambiance of my world... don't mind me.


Nietzsche's Girl said...

I like you!!!

Erika said...

I totally get that. I've been just appreciating recently too.

J Man said...

Just reading this post brings a feeling of serenity. It's cool how the spirit in which something is written can be transfered to one who is reading.

Thanks, Jer.

Chuck said...

Ah, so you found Matt's secret stash too?!

J Man said...

How can a man secretly have a moustache?