Sunday, November 20, 2005

I could never compete with that ghost who eventually took a name and a face. Not even in memory, where i become a ghost like him...Ah, but i was a ghost who stayed, too long, and in the harsh and unforgiving light of day, I lost my magic- i was seen through, and became all too ordinary.

What cannot be grasped will always be sought, always perfect, always intact, unchallenged...beautiful and just out of reach...

The ordinary, that which is available and can be known enough to dissapoint, will never measure up...

But that's ok, because in that impossible image, even if it were true...I still see something i never want to be.

1 comment:

Nietzsche's Girl said...

But you're still here. And I still want to be around you. That's the fundamental difference.

Sometimes he disgusts me.

You know I love you.
And I prefer you, this way, to any ghost you may have been able to flicker in and out.