Monday, November 14, 2005

Had a good talk with a good friend last night. I don't know if anything is better, but a good friend is still a good thing- a very good thing, and nothing to take for granted, especially when one feels the shore getting farther and farther away....

I have slept very little, and i had a serious allegy attack on the bus from some lady's perfume - my breathing is just starting to get back to normal. But i'm actually feeling ok, or at least, in a an almost pleasant state of numbness. Hub mall is slowly coming alive, like the strange white glass and plastic village that it is, with shops opening, the sky lightening above the glass, and the quiet trickle of groggy students slowly increasing. I like being here in the morning, in this hazy dullness. It's strangely peaceful. The crowd streams in, mostly without speaking...the air is brewing coffe and a shffling feet, shuffling voices, faint echoing of indistinguishable music. Its warm...outside is biting wind and a few stray flakes, but its warm in here... i could do worse.

I have to find a stapler.


Nietzsche's Girl said...

I have lost my umbrella! I have lost my umbrella! I have to find a stapler!!!

Chuck said...

Ah, the proverbial stapler that is life!