Thursday, December 01, 2005

Good morning, good Mooorrrrning! Its great to stay up late writing flowery, pretentious papers. Actually, i like being given those 'write me whatever you want' assignments. I have just produced a fun peice of stylized pseudo- fiction, for marks. It'd be an odd animal as either a paper or a story- it occupies that strange nether region in between. Another entry in the no doubt already crowded genre of 'reading and interpretation' themed fiction, or fiction written for critical theory classes. well, i enjoyed it, anyway. I think it turned out well, even, a rare opinion from me regarding my own writing. Not brilliant, but well. I'd actually thought i'd post it here, but it's five pages...i fear it might exceed the attention spans of my blog readers. Tell you what - if there is an overwhelming hue and cry of demand, it might appear.

Despite a caffeine induced complete lack of sleep, i am absolutely wide awake. Either i am still under the influence, or my body has just given up trying to be sleepy at normal times. I may crash horribly later, but, for now, i'm pretty darn chipper.

Since i'm awake, somebody else should be. i'm going to go wake somebody up just for the fun of it.


J Man said...

There's something about lots of text on a computer screen that scares people. What I do to overcome the dawnting task of tons of text online, is to copy it, past it into a word processor, then print it.
Isn't it crazy how we've tricked ourselves into believing that words printed on a screen should total no more than 10 in a single sentence (I went over the limit, didn't I?)?

Amanda said...

And they wonder why I don't live with you guys

Chuck said...
