Friday, November 17, 2006

I was afraid this might happen. It was only a matter of time. We were warned...but we didn't listen. And now....the Sheep have returned. For those of you who do not learn from history, the Sheep enjoyed a brief period of control over this space in its weak and fragile early days, before they were banished with extreme predjudice to their current, apparently innocent, grass-eating exile. But no, like Ghengis Khan staring out over those gently waving Mongolian grasslands, they were only biding their time... Mmmmm....grasslands.... AHem! No More of that!

The point is, we here at Jeremythepolite are very aware of this new Sheep incursion, and assure all two of our loyal readers that it will sheared off at the source. Steps have been taken to see that this shocking incident never happens again. Of course i can't say WHAT steps. STEPS HAVE BEEN TAKEN. Up to but not necessarily including an invasion of New Zealand. Or Fort Saskatchewan. These wooly interlopers cannot be allowed to graze at will - not on MY blog.


1 comment:

Chuck said...

Did the 'steps' include inviting them over for tea and frank discussion?