Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'm not sure how long I was There. Sucked into the story. Carried away. Caring about characters who are unknown to me, who don't even exist, who are inventions of the author's odd mind. Characters in circumstances that, I'm pretty sure, aren't even remotely possible, made to feel real, or at least feel real to me. This, a good story can do - transport its reader to another place, suspend time, put you in another world for a while, living other people's lives, seeing what they see and feeling what they feel...

Theatre, too, can do this. Last night a woman claimed it happened to her, watching our play, the one I'm in. She felt she was in the story, lost in it, carried away...

If so, then we're doing something right.

I wonder how many times I'll have to hear it before I start to believe it...

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