Tuesday, January 01, 2008

This is a good day. “ Behold, I make all things new…” Today, at least, I believe it…

Waking in one household, and stopping , briefly, at another – strikingly illustrates for me the different places one can live their life from. In one house for no more than 5 minutes, and those are filled with bitterness, curses, anger and complaints. In the other, the sort of chaos only children can produce…but it is chaos with laughter, and though I must leave in a hurry, I leave with an odd feeling rising inside…something perilously close to Joy. Peace. All may not be right in the world, but, at least in this little world…all is pretty darn close. And I, a guest only, am warmed by being here, and carry that with me. The five minute tirade at my other stop is a jarring contrast, like finding broken beer bottles and fast food garbage in a sunlit mountain meadow. An icy blast of winter wind in a warm and happy room. But not enough to smother this. Not today.

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