Wednesday, June 28, 2006

This me at the cafe, which is starting to feel a bit like a second home, lately. Not sure why, really. I'm not working there that much. Its more central, i guess, and maybe i like being closer to where the action is. Those who've been following current events, er, don't read too much into that. That wasn't what i meant.

I am shifting quietly between worlds at the moment. Its odd...i see some around me going through wrenching agony about their course in life, their uncertain future. I recognize it, but strangely, for once, it isn't me. Not that i see my future laying itself out neatly in front of me...anything but. My life seems to make less sense the longer it lasts...maybe it doesn't bother me anymore. And its a legitemate argument that maybe it still should. Not the wrenching agony part, mind you - i don't find that particularily useful.
I can remember being paralyzed by the baffling array of different paths available to me. Maybe time and choices, (somtimes made out of simple frustration with all the indecision) have narrowed those options, but i still face a number of quite divergant routes my life could take. . And once again, at some point, choices between them must be made.
I had an odd sort of realization this week. I don't think i'll describe the circumstances on here, but i think taking a few steps down a road that represents something i definitely DON'T want, and the simple realization of that, helped make my picture of what i DO want a little clearer. And while this is hardly profound, forming a clearer picture of what you'd like things to look like makes it a bit easier to start building something that vaguely resembles it.

I am surprisingly relaxed.

And i still need new shoes.


Chuck said...


Erika said...

I'm glad you're figuring things out. :)

Paul Seburn said...

Can you hook a trailer up that thing? BEER Hey speaking of moving BIG ROCK, Seburn has to emtpy that big old bungalow SLEEMANS of his over on Fulton Drive. That's this week only! come one come all BEER, maybe you'll find stuff you need here, like acoustical panels, doors, windows THE BEER QUALITY IMPROVES WITH AMOUNT OF WORK DONE BY FRIENDS really this should be fun right?

Seburn move: Now until 11:59 p.m. July 15th 2006


Paul Seburn said...

"I am surprisingly relaxed".

I must say that the last few times I've seen you that your "aura" was brighter and more connected to what I'd describe as a relaxed peaceful place. (not that I'm into auras and crystals and all that)

That said...BEER, I will not open them until certain people enter this house

peace Jeremy