Sunday, April 16, 2006

Like one who takes away a garment a cold day,
or like vinegar poured on soda,
Is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.

Proverbs 25:20

Take that! Let me have my misery if i want it, dammit!
I'm sorry...I do appreciate the concern. But sometimes a guy's just gotta be sad. Having to try and defend or explain it doesn't help. If you want to make me feel better, just being quiet with me for a moment and watching the snow is perfectly accceptable approach.

No harm done, i hope.

But next time you try to cheer me up...try not to leave bruises.

1 comment:

J Man said...

Mourning is a necessary part of life. We are foolish to think that life has to be, or even should be all roses and sunshine.
The sun sets for a reason. Winter comes for a reason. We mustn't fear nor shun the dark night of the soul.