Thursday, January 26, 2006

Yet another person who was planning on having a good day today...but my fuse didn't even last the morning without being set off. I try to stay positive on here, keep the bitter whining to a minimum, but what would a blog be without an occasional angry rant?

I mean, who uses random toothbrushes that they find in a bathroom? Seriously! If you didn't take it out of the package yourself, and you don't know where it came from, why would you stick it in your mouth? A toothbrush costs...what, two dollars at a drug store five minutes away?How lazy do you have to be to just grab what's there and not care whose it is? Never mind how pleasant it is for me to go for my fang-scrubber in the morning only to find it dripping wet and freshly used, but what if that nagging cough of mine isn't just allergies, but, oh, i don't know, a particularily virulent strain of Tuberculosis? SARS? Bird flu? What if that brush was there to clean into the cracks under the toilet-seat bolts?
Then there's the troubling thought that this might not be the first time....
I know, i know, i need to let that go...but that lovely little discovery pretty much set the tone for my morning. More things go wrong. Computers don't work, plans are thwarted- i arrive at school, park in front of Ali's, grab the parking pass and slap it on my dash, as i have done for time immemorial, so that i am a good little university-area parker in compliance with the mighty parking law , i rush off towards class with little time to spare, happen to glance back wistfully at the forlorn, green escort only to discover an agent of ultimate evil, a vile parking nazi, looming over my poor vehicle licking his slavering jaws hungrily as he gets out his dark list of doom and begins taking my liscence number.
Though i fervently desire to be in class on time ( for once) i cannot abandon my innocent conveyance to such a fate. I swing my bag, laden with lead bricks, around and hobble back to the car. I attempt to reason with him. I forget one cannot reason with pure unrelenting evil.
There is a parking pass in the window, perhaps you didn't see it?
Its for the wrong zone.
That's preposterous, its parked directly in front of the address on the pass!

Oh, then this pass is expired.

(IN truth, i knew this) Oh, well, I know. we forgot to renew it. We're getting it done now.

It expired on January 20th. It is now January 26th. I'm going to have to ticket you.

But you know this is a resident pass for in front of this house, and i'm here now anyway. i can move.

Doesn't matter. Its expired. You're getting a ticket.

You have to somewhat admire one for whom the world is that simple. Either admire, or stick your fist in their gut and hand them their spleen.

Eventually, due to my entering the car and beginning to roll it forward, the beast relented, reluctantly snarling, and went on to savagely pounce on the next offending victim. I drove around the block, found the swath of destruction that marked where the dark presence had already passed, and hoped there to escape notice and be gone before it returned for fresh blood.

But i was despicably late for class.

Really, worse than any of the that was the way such little things got to me and had me snapping at friends this morning, and seething with insensate rage about half the day. So a few things went other than i would like. Poor little bunny. I didn't have to let it put me off that badly.

I get home and find that a friend, the very same one i was unforgivably rude to this morning, dealing with far more shatteringly real unhappy news, of a kind i can't, at this point in my life, even imagine. And i'm whining about a toothbrush.

1 comment:

J Man said...

I had a friend that parked in the U of A area for years paying a mere fraction of what a parking pass costs by placing his parking ticket under his wiper blades before heading off to school each morning.
Sure, he got caught a few times, but his tickets amounted to about 1/3 of what a yearly parking pass costs.

Food for thought....