Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Well-.... um.....who exactly are you again?

I could've waited a few days and gone for an even month, but....Since i am linked to exciting and prestigous blogs written by exciting and prestigous people, I am beginning to feel a little bit of pressure to be, well...a little more exciting. And prestigous. And while that IS a fantastic shot of my cat plotting world domination in his (very pretty) Hood of Doom, it is not, perhaps, as rivetting as it was a month ago.
My sincere apologies. I...have let you all down. I am ashamed. BUT! there is good news! That's right - I.... am raising my game. I am striking a fatal blow to the vile beating heart of blog procrastination. I have nothing brilliant to say. I am tired. I am sick. I am riddled with crippling insecurities. But i am writing anyway.

I have excuses.

I have been busy. Some of it has been the good kind of busy. Some of it has been the "I'm huddled in a corner shivering because i have a fever, it hurts to stand, swallow or breathe , and my throat feels like i've been drinking shredded metal and bits of broken glass" kind of busy. That second kind gets to be less and less fun after a few weeks.

If those exist for whom this blog is the sole source of information about my life(!) may not know i have a job. Well, another one. It is grand. Perhaps i will have something witty and brilliant to say about that later.

I am working with my Childhood Friend Eric, and my Slightly-Post-Childhood friend Jason. That is grand, nostalgic, and weird all at the same time. Perhaps i will have something witty and brilliant to say about that, too. Something thoughtful and poignant, no doubt.

The great thing about "perhaps" is that it completely absolves me of any definite promises. Perhaps i will post again soon.

Oh,and check out my new links. Photos, people!

And very cool new people.


You get the idea.


tragic comedy said...

an entry!
and I am cool!
oh how exciting it that!
I wish I had something more witty to say. ;)

Lightfoot said...

The cat seems to have taken over your life, and now, in a cruel twist of fate, made you almost life-threateningly sick in a bid to keep you to hisself. But, at least you have pried yourself away for long enough to give us an ok signal. Best of luck battling the feline flu.

Nietzsche's Girl said...


Nietzsche's Girl said...
