Saturday, May 20, 2006

Must ...survive ...two ... more ....hours ...till ...sleep ...

Nearing the end of two gruelling days of multiple job work. My back and entire right side are in absolute agony. So...tired...yet surrounded by expresso...must...resist...sweet, tempting expresso...Tomorrow, i finally get a couple of days of rest.Sweet, blessed rest... "Finally" seems odd, because, working long hours and all, this week has flown by. It seems like i just got that job yesterday... but i've already worked 6 straight 9-12 hour days! My body definitely feels the milage of more than a day of work...and 6 months of relative inactivity. Ouch...

Physical pain and related whining aside, I had a great day. enjoyed a beautiful morning ride to work. Stood beside a lake, ruffling in the wind, silent except for the geese. Hammered the occaisonal nail. A fantastic family brought us Barbecued burgers and orange juice. The city seems deserted and slow, like a lazy day in a farmer's field. Eveyone is off somewhere else, travelling, visiting, camping. I work in a majestic suburban ghost town, populated by wind and geese. Now it is raining outside my candlelit cafe. I love a city in the rain. A old English friend used to say that a city felt more like a city when it was raining. Sitting in a cafe, listening to the hiss of car tires on wet pavement, watching water run down our broken window, and missing someone. Perhaps missing somone feels more like missing someone when its raining.


Jen said...

sounds like you're ready for some basketball!!

Chuck said...

Sounds like you're ready for some China!!!

Chuck said...

PS - It's espresso not expresso. Maybe you should get some experience in a coffee shop or something. You know, learn some real-life skills instead of all that building and excercise crap.

J Man said...

I know what you mean about a city in the rain. I almost didn't want to go to sleep last night (tho I REALLY needed to). I struggled to stay awake to listen to the rain falling, and feeling the cool breeze, and smelling the mix of ozone and mono-atomic oxygen.... *sighs deeply in remoniscence*