Friday, September 23, 2005

the sweet smell of impending DOOM...

At this point school is finally begining to come upon me in all its fury. I am facing the harshness of how much i WILL NEED to rachet up my work ethic...i'm not scared...just the "oh, shit, here it comes" before the storm. LIke a man setting out to climb a mountain, standing at the first sheer cliff face, looking up and taking a deep, sobering breath, steeling himself to the realization of what he has taken on. It's like resignation, only a little more positive.
Its been a long time since i've experienced this- i don't have a choice, i MUST work. I do not have the option of stalling, of waiting, nor, really, of turning tail and running. The things i hope to gain from this will not drop in my lap, and for once, i know exactly what needs to be done. And while the effort required is intimidating, having a clearly defined task feels really, really good. ( my life is otherwise lacking in clear definitions...)

I'm becoming comfortable with more and more ambiguity- particularily in matters of faith. On one level, it seems a little absurd for us wee little people to speak with great certainty and detail about the ways, dealings , and order of God - and, strangely, at the same time, my experience of Him, His reality to me, is convincing enough that i have no problem allowing him to be as mysterious as he wants to be. One does not need to SEE to know, to sense, to feel, to experience... (: one certainly does not need to see or understand the whole.


Chuck said...

Is that what that smell in the bathroom was?

Jen said...

ahh...has Jeremy had an "I turned 30" epiphany? so it seems...