Thursday, February 21, 2008

I dare do all that may become a man;
Who dares do more is none.

Macbeth. ACT I Scene 7.

Also quoted, in Hugo Weaving's mellifluous voice, in V for Vendetta.

Oddly enough, I heard it from both sources within one weekend. It remains stuck in my head.
It comes off better from V, because, of course, very shortly after spouting this bold declaration of manly restraint, our man Macbeth dares all sorts of things that most likely do not become a man.


I'm sure nobody would ever do the WRONG thing if doing the right thing seemed like it would be as much fun.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Rust. I am covered in rust. Fine, red dust like ancient sun-baked earth, the dust we come from and to which this steel will eventually return, and with it, one supposes, the cities it built.

I stand facing my slice of Prairie, its shadowed skin of snow, flecked with wispy hair of dry grass, stretching away from the fence to the setting sun. The illusion of open space. The illusion of freedom.

Back in the yard, more un-cut pipe beckons, lying cradled in severed, rusty bands reaching skyward like the decaying ribs of some great, dead beast....